Story’s behaviour change campaigns with Fresh feature in landmark government report

Campaigns developed by Story in conjunction with North East-based client Fresh have been featured in an important independent review report – Making Smoking Obsolete – by Dr Javed Khan OBE for the government.


In 2019, the government set an objective for England to be smoke free by 2030. Dr Javed Khan’s report – commissioned by Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Health – put forward a series of recommendations, including the continuation of targeted media campaigns to encourage people to quit smoking. The examples used in the report were case studies of three of Story’s behaviour change campaigns for Fresh.



Ailsa Rutter OBE, Director of Fresh and Balance said: “The impactful campaigns we have created over the years with the support and input of Story have seen proven results in reducing smoking, following the clear evidence about how best to maximise their reach and their effectiveness. The North East has seen the largest fall in smoking in England since 2005 when 29% of people smoked (down to 15%). The publication of this report is a landmark moment which will set the agenda for action over the next few years.”



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