MISSION's Menopause Policy

Did you know?

Employees who are going through the Menopause are the fastest growing workplace dynamic, with 1 in 3 women(in UK) at some stage of menopause transition and 1 in 4 women who consider leaving their job due to the impact of symptoms. Today, the subject of menopause is often hidden, with potentially significant consequences for both employees and employers.


As part of our drive to support great health and wellbeing we are proud to have a MISSION Group wide Menopause Policy and supporting Awareness Guide and have had expert speakers run menopause awareness webinars and of course our Mental Health First Aiders are always available to listen/talk.


Every one of us will know someone – a colleague, team member, client, friend or relative going through the menopause and most likely being impacted by its symptoms. By talking openly, raising awareness and putting the right support in place, we can make change happen.


We can continue to create an inclusive and supportive working environment that welcomes open discussion around the menopause, demystifying it, and replacing the taboo with dialogue, understanding, compassion and support.


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